Source code for dabbiew.dabbiew

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from  __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

import curses
import curses.textpad
import locale
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import deque
from sys import argv
from time import sleep

[docs]def debug(stdscr): """Undo curses setup and enter ipdb debug mode. :param stdscr: window object to reset :type stdscr: curses.window """ from ipdb import set_trace curses.nocbreak() stdscr.keypad(0) curses.echo() curses.endwin() set_trace()
[docs]def format_line(text, width): """Pad or truncate text to fit width. Text is left justified if there is sufficient room. Otherwise, text is truncated and ellipsis (\\\\u2026) is appended. >>> format_line('lorem ipsum', 16) 'lorem ipsum ' >>> format_line('lorem ipsum', 6) 'lore\\xe2\\x80\\xa6 ' >>> format_line('lorem ipsum', 2) '\\xe2\\x80\\xa6 ' >>> format_line('lorem ipsum', 1) ' ' :param text: contents of cell :type text: any type convertible to unicode :param width: width of cell :type width: int :returns: encoded unicode string formatted to fit in width :rtype: str """ text = unicode(text) if len(text) < width: result = text.ljust(width) elif width > 2: result = text[:width-2] + '… ' elif width == 2: result = '… ' else: result = ' ' * width return result.encode('utf-8')
[docs]def screen(start, end, cum_extents, offset): """Generate column widths or row heights from screen start to end positions. Indexing for start and end is analogous to python ranges. Start is first screen position that gets drawn. End does not get drawn. Returned tuples correspond to elements that are inside screen box. >>> args = (5, 10, [0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15], 0) >>> [(col, width, cursor) for col, width, cursor in screen(*args)] [(1, 1, 0), (2, 3, 1), (3, 1, 4)] >>> args = (5, 10, [0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15], 2) >>> [(col, width, cursor) for col, width, cursor in screen(*args)] [(1, 1, 2), (2, 3, 3), (3, 1, 6)] :param start: screen position start :type start: int :param end: screen position end :type end: int :param cum_extents: cumulative sum of column widths or row heights :type cum_extents: numpy.ndarray :param offset: shifts cursor position returned by fixed amount :type offset: int :returns: index of element, extent of element, position of element on screen :rtype: int, int, int """ cum_extents = cum_extents[1:] # Initial zero useless ind = np.searchsorted(cum_extents, start) yield ind, cum_extents[ind] - start, offset for ind, cum_extent in enumerate(cum_extents[ind+1:], start=ind+1): if cum_extent >= end: yield (ind, end - cum_extents[ind-1], offset + cum_extents[ind-1] - start) raise StopIteration else: yield (ind, cum_extents[ind] - cum_extents[ind-1], offset + cum_extents[ind-1] - start)
[docs]def origin(current, start, end, cum_extents, screen, moving): """Determine new origin for screen view if necessary. The part of the DataFrame displayed on screen is conceptually a box which has the same dimensions as the screen and hovers over the contents of the DataFrame. The origin of the relative coordinate system of the box is calculated here. >>> origin(0, 0, 0, [0, 4, 8, 12], 7, True) 0 >>> origin(4, 0, 2, [0, 4, 8, 12], 7, True) 5 >>> origin(5, 1, 1, [0, 4, 8, 12], 7, False) 4 :param current: current origin of a given axis :type current: int :param start: leftmost column index or topmost row index selected :type start: int :param end: rightmost column index or bottommost row index selected :type end: int :param cum_extents: cumulative sum of column widths or row heights :type cum_extents: numpy.ndarray :param screen: total extent of a given axis :type screen: int :param moving: flag if current action is advancing :type: bool :returns: new origin :rtype: int """ # Convert indices to coordinates of boundaries start = cum_extents[start] end = cum_extents[end+1] if end > current + screen and moving: return end - screen elif start < current and not moving: return start else: return current
[docs]def draw(stdscr, df, frozen_y, frozen_x, unfrozen_y, unfrozen_x, origin_y, origin_x, left, right, top, bottom, found_row, found_col, cum_widths, cum_heights, moving_right, moving_down, resizing): """Refresh display with updated view. Running line profiler shows this is the slowest part. Will optimize later. >>> draw(curses.initscr(), ... pd.DataFrame([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]), ... 1, 8, 10, 10, ... 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, ... np.append(np.array([0]), np.full(3, 3).cumsum()), ... np.append(np.array([0]), np.full(3, 1).cumsum()), ... False, False, True) (0, 0) :param stdscr: window object to update :type stdscr: curses.window :param df: underlying data to present :type df: pandas.DataFrame :param frozen_y: initial row offset before view box contents are shown :type frozen_y: int :param frozen_x: initial column offset before view box contents are shown :type frozen_x: int :param unfrozen_y: number of rows dedicated to contents of view box :type unfrozen_y: int :param unfrozen_x: number of columns dedicated to contents of view box :type unfrozen_x: int :param origin_y: y coordinate of bottommost part of view box :type origin_y: int :param origin_x: x coordinate of leftmost part of view box :type origin_x: int :param left: leftmost column of selection :type left: int :param right: rightmost column of selection :type left: int :param top: topmost row of selection :type top: int :param bottom: bottommost row of selection :type bottom: int :param found_row: row containing current search match :type found_row: int :param found_col: column containing current search match :type found_col: int :param cum_widths: cumulative sum of column widths :type cum_widths: numpy.ndarray :param cum_heights: cumulative sum of row heights :type cum_heights: numpy.ndarray :param moving_right: flag if current action is moving right :type moving_right: bool :param moving_down: flag if current action is moving down :type moving_down: bool :param resizing: flag if the selection is currently being resized :type resizing: bool """ curses.curs_set(0) # invisible cursor origin_x = origin(origin_x, left, right, cum_widths, unfrozen_x, moving_right) origin_y = origin(origin_y, top, bottom, cum_heights, unfrozen_y, moving_down) for col, width, x_cursor in screen(origin_x, origin_x + unfrozen_x, cum_widths, frozen_x): # Draw persistent header row col_selected = left <= col <= right col_attribute = curses.A_REVERSE if col_selected else curses.A_NORMAL text = format_line(df.columns[col], width) stdscr.addstr(0, x_cursor, text, col_attribute) for row, height, y_cursor in screen(origin_y, origin_y + unfrozen_y, cum_heights, frozen_y): # Draw persistent index column row_selected = top <= row <= bottom row_attribute = curses.A_REVERSE if row_selected else curses.A_NORMAL text = format_line(df.index[row], frozen_x) stdscr.addstr(y_cursor, 0, text, row_attribute) # Draw DataFrame contents if row == found_row and col == found_col: attribute = curses.A_UNDERLINE elif row == bottom and col == right and resizing: attribute = curses.A_UNDERLINE elif col_selected and row_selected: attribute = curses.A_REVERSE else: attribute = curses.A_NORMAL text = format_line(df.iat[row,col], width) stdscr.addstr(y_cursor, x_cursor, text, attribute) # Clear right margin if theres unused space on the right margin = frozen_x + unfrozen_x - (x_cursor + width) if margin > 0: for y_cursor in range(frozen_y + unfrozen_y): stdscr.addstr(y_cursor, x_cursor + width, ' ' * margin, curses.A_NORMAL) # Clear frozen topleft corner for x_cursor in range(frozen_x): for y_cursor in range(frozen_y): stdscr.addstr(y_cursor, x_cursor, ' ', curses.A_NORMAL) stdscr.refresh() return origin_y, origin_x
[docs]def advance(start, end, resizing, boundary, amount): """Move down or right. >>> advance(0, 0, True, 3, 1) (0, 1, True) >>> advance(0, 1, False, 3, 1) (1, 2, True) >>> advance(1, 2, True, 3, 1) (1, 2, True) >>> advance(1, 2, True, 3, 1) (1, 2, True) :param start: leftmost column or topmost row :type start: int :param end: rightmost column or bottommost row :type end: int :param resizing: flag if the selection is currently being resized :type resizing: bool :param boundary: total number of columns or rows :type boundary: int :param amount: number of columns or rows to advance :type amount: int """ #TODO: Implement tests for amount moving = True amount = amount if end + amount < boundary else boundary - 1 - end end += amount if not resizing: start += amount return start, end, moving
[docs]def retreat(start, end, resizing, boundary, amount): """Move up or left. >>> retreat(1, 2, True, None, 1) (1, 1, False) >>> retreat(1, 1, True, None, 1) (1, 1, False) >>> retreat(1, 1, False, None, 1) (0, 0, False) >>> retreat(0, 0, False, None, 1) (0, 0, False) :param start: leftmost column or topmost row :type start: int :param end: rightmost column or bottommost row :type end: int :param resizing: flag if the selection is currently being resized :type resizing: bool :param boundary: total number of columns or rows (unused in retreat) :type boundary: int :param amount: number of columns or rows to retreat :type amount: int """ #TODO: Implement tests for amount moving = False amount = amount if amount >= 0 else -amount max_amount = end - start if resizing else start amount = min(amount, max_amount) end -= amount if not resizing: start -= amount return start, end, moving
[docs]def number_in(keystroke_history): """Returns number previous keystrokes have a number. >>> number_in(deque(['s', 'p', 'a', 'm'])) 1 >>> number_in(deque(['8', 's', 'p', 'a', 'm'])) 1 >>> number_in(deque(['8', 's', 'p', 'a', 'm', '9'])) 9 >>> number_in(deque(['8', 's', 'p', 'a', 'm', '9', '0'])) 90 :param keystroke_history: contains the last few keystrokes :type keystroke_history: collections.deque :returns: number inferred from keystroke history :rtype: int """ number = '' keystroke_history.reverse() # most recent keystroke first for keystroke in keystroke_history: if keystroke.isdigit(): number = keystroke + number else: break keystroke_history.clear() if not number: return 1 else: return int(number)
[docs]def expand_cumsum(start, end, cum_extents, amount): """Increase each extent by a given amount and update cumulative extents. >>> expand_cumsum(1, 2, np.array([0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20]), 2) array([ 0, 4, 10, 16, 20, 24]) :param start: leftmost column or topmost row of range to expand :type start: int :param end: rightmost column or bottommost row of range to expand :type end: int :param cum_extents: cumulative sum of column widths or row heights :type cum_extents: numpy.ndarray :param amount: amount to increment each row or column in range :type amount: int """ extent_increase = np.append(np.array([0]), np.full(cum_extents.size - 1, 0)) extent_increase[start+1:end+2] = amount return cum_extents + extent_increase.cumsum()
[docs]def contract_cumsum(start, end, cum_extents, amount, minimum_extent=2): """Decrease each extent by a given amount and update cumulative extents. >>> contract_cumsum(1, 2, np.array([0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20]), 2) array([ 0, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16]) >>> contract_cumsum(1, 2, np.array([0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15]), 2) array([ 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15]) :param start: leftmost column or topmost row of range to contract :type start: int :param end: rightmost column or bottommost row of range to contract :type end: int :param cum_extents: cumulative sum of column widths or row heights :type cum_extents: numpy.ndarray :param amount: amount to decrement each row or column in range :type amount: int """ extents = np.diff(cum_extents[start:end+2]) extent_decrease = np.append(np.array([0]), np.full(cum_extents.size - 1, 0)) # Only decrase extents if it stays above minimum extent extent_decrease[start+1:end+2][extents - amount >= minimum_extent] = amount return cum_extents - extent_decrease.cumsum()
[docs]def command_validator(keystroke): """Change default keymappings. Keybindings from more common `ASCII control codes`_ are remapped to emacs-type keybindings accepted by curses `Textbox objects`_. .. _ASCII control codes: .. _Textbox objects: ses.html#textbox-objects >>> command_validator(127) # backspace -> control-H 8 >>> command_validator(27) # escape -> control-G 7 >>> command_validator(ord('a')) 97 :param keystroke: input read from curses Textbox :type keystroke: int :returns: remapped keystroke :rtype: int """ if keystroke == 127: return 8 elif keystroke == 27: return 7 else: return keystroke
[docs]def show_prompt(stdscr, prompt, row, width, keystrokes=None, delay=0.0): """Display a prompt for a command on the bottom of the screen. >>> show_prompt(curses.initscr(), '>', 0, 10, delay=0.1, ... keystrokes=(ord(k) for k in 'spam\\rham')) u'spam' :param stdscr: window object to update :type stdscr: curses.window :param prompt: string to display before command prompt :type prompt: str :param row: y position on screen to draw :type row: int :param width: x width of prompt input field :type width: int :param keystrokes: optional set of predetermined keystrokes (noninteractive) :type keystrokes: generator :param delay: time to wait after each keystroke is rendered :type delay: float :returns: string read from prompt :rtype: str """ stdscr.addstr(row, 0, prompt) stdscr.refresh() curses.curs_set(1) # visible cursor window = curses.newwin(1, width, row, len(prompt)) if keystrokes: string = '' for i, keystroke in enumerate(keystrokes): keystroke = chr(keystroke) if keystroke == '\r': break else: string += keystroke window.addstr(0, i, keystroke) window.refresh() sleep(delay) else: tb = curses.textpad.Textbox(window, insert_mode=True) string = tb.edit(command_validator) return string.strip()
[docs]def next_match(df, string, row, col): """Forward sweep columns then rows for entry containing string match. >>> next_match(pd.DataFrame([['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']]), 'e', 0, 0) (1, 1) >>> next_match(pd.DataFrame([['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']]), 'e', 0, 2) (1, 1) >>> next_match(pd.DataFrame([['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']]), 'e', 1, 2) (1, 1) >>> next_match(pd.DataFrame([['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']]), 'g', 1, 2) is None True :param df: underlying data to present :type df: pandas.DataFrame :param string: string to match :type string: str :param row: search starting row :type row: int :param col: search starting col :type col: int :returns: next matching row and column :rtype: int, int """ rows, cols = df.shape if col == cols - 1: if row == rows - 1: search_row = 0 search_col = 0 else: search_row = row + 1 search_col = 0 else: search_row = row search_col = col + 1 while True: while search_col < cols: if string.lower() in unicode(df.iat[search_row, search_col]).lower(): return search_row, search_col elif search_row == row and search_col == col: return None search_col += 1 search_col = 0 search_row = search_row + 1 if search_row + 1 < rows else 0
[docs]def prev_match(df, string, row, col): """Reverse sweep columns then rows for entry containing string match. >>> prev_match(pd.DataFrame([['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']]), 'e', 1, 2) (1, 1) >>> prev_match(pd.DataFrame([['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']]), 'e', 1, 0) (1, 1) >>> prev_match(pd.DataFrame([['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']]), 'e', 0, 0) (1, 1) >>> prev_match(pd.DataFrame([['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e', 'f']]), 'g', 0, 0) is None True :param df: underlying data to present :type df: pandas.DataFrame :param string: string to match :type string: str :param row: search starting row :type row: int :param col: search starting col :type col: int :returns: previous matching row and column :rtype: int, int """ rows, cols = df.shape if col == 0: if row == 0: search_row = rows - 1 search_col = cols - 1 else: search_row = rows - 1 search_col = cols - 1 else: search_row = row search_col = col - 1 while True: while search_col >= 0: if string.lower() in unicode(df.iat[search_row, search_col]).lower(): return search_row, search_col elif search_row == row and search_col == col: return None search_col -= 1 search_col = cols - 1 search_row = search_row - 1 if search_row - 1 >= 0 else rows - 1
[docs]def jump(left, right, top, bottom, rows, cols, to_row, to_col, resizing): """Jump current selection to new position. >>> jump(0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 10, 5, 5, False) (5, 5, 5, 5, True, True) :param left: leftmost column of selection :type left: int :param right: rightmost column of selection :type left: int :param top: topmost row of selection :type top: int :param bottom: bottommost row of selection :type bottom: int :param rows: total number of rows :type rows: int :param cols: total number of columns :type cols: int :param to_row: destination row for bottomright selection :type to_row: int :param to_col: destination column for bottomright selection :type to_col: int :param resizing: flag if the selection is currently being resized :type resizing: bool :returns: new selection boundaries :rtype: int, int, int, int, bool, bool """ col_distance, row_distance = to_col - right, to_row - bottom col_action = advance if col_distance >= 0 else retreat row_action = advance if row_distance >= 0 else retreat left, right, moving_right = col_action(left, right, resizing, cols, col_distance) top, bottom, moving_down = row_action(top, bottom, resizing, rows, row_distance) return left, right, top, bottom, moving_right, moving_down
[docs]def eval_command(stdscr, df, command, row, left, right, top, bottom, keystrokes): """Call method on DataFrame selection. If the selection is just a single cell, the call is made to the entire DataFrame inplace. If the selection is more than one cell, then this function creates a new DataFrame and makes a nested call to the main function run(). :param stdscr: window object to update :type stdscr: curses.window :param df: underlying data to present :type df: pandas.DataFrame :param command: DataFrame method to call :type command: str :param row: y position on screen to draw input box :type row: int :param left: leftmost column of selection :type left: int :param right: rightmost column of selection :type left: int :param top: topmost row of selection :type top: int :param bottom: bottommost row of selection :type bottom: int :param keystrokes: keystrokes to use in autopilot. :type keystrokes: generator yielding int """ try: single = left == right and top == bottom result = pd.DataFrame(eval('df{selection}.{command}'.format(\ selection='' if single else '.iloc[top:bottom+1, left:right+1]', command=command))) if single: return result else: run(stdscr, result, keystrokes) except Exception as e: stdscr.clrtoeol() stdscr.addstr(row, 0, ':invalid command: {}'.format(e.message)) stdscr.refresh()
[docs]def run(stdscr, df, keystrokes=None): """Main loop; set state of window and wait for keystrokes. >>> run(curses.initscr(), ... pd.DataFrame([['a' ,'b', 'c'], [1, 2, 3], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]]), ... keystrokes=iter(ord(c) for c in 'vljhk\x1b.,><tyty[]GG$/c\\rnp^ggjvllv:sum()\\rq:fail()\\r\x1b:sort_values(1)\\rsSx\x06\x02q')) is None True :param stdscr: window object to update :type stdscr: curses.window :param df: underlying data to present :type df: pandas.DataFrame :param keystrokes: keystrokes to use in autopilot. :type keystrokes: generator yielding int """ stdscr.clear() stdscr.scrollok(False) screen_y, screen_x = stdscr.getmaxyx() screen_y -= 1 # Avoid writing to last line frozen_y, frozen_x = 1, 8 unfrozen_y, unfrozen_x = screen_y - frozen_y, screen_x - frozen_x rows, cols = df.shape left, right, top, bottom = 0, 0, 0, 0 cum_heights = np.append(np.array([0]), np.full(rows, 1).cumsum()) cum_widths = np.append(np.array([0]), np.full(cols, 10).cumsum()) origin_y, origin_x = 0, 0 moving_down, moving_right = True, True resizing = False max_history = 10 keystroke_history = deque([], max_history) search_string = '' found_row, found_col = None, None keystroke = stdscr.getch if not keystrokes else while True: origin_y, origin_x = draw(stdscr, df, frozen_y, frozen_x, unfrozen_y, unfrozen_x, origin_y, origin_x, left, right, top, bottom, found_row, found_col, cum_widths, cum_heights, moving_right, moving_down, resizing) keypress = keystroke() if keypress in [ord('q')]: break if keypress in [ord('d')]: debug(stdscr) if keypress in [ord('v')]: resizing = not resizing if keypress in [ord('\x1b')]: # escape key resizing = False right = left bottom = top if keypress in [ord('l'), curses.KEY_RIGHT]: amount = number_in(keystroke_history) left, right, moving_right = advance(left, right, resizing, cols, amount) if keypress in [ord('j'), curses.KEY_DOWN]: amount = number_in(keystroke_history) top, bottom, moving_down = advance(top, bottom, resizing, rows, amount) if keypress in [ord('h'), curses.KEY_LEFT]: amount = number_in(keystroke_history) left, right, moving_right = retreat(left, right, resizing, cols, amount) if keypress in [ord('k'), curses.KEY_UP]: amount = number_in(keystroke_history) top, bottom, moving_down = retreat(top, bottom, resizing, rows, amount) if keypress in [ord('\x06')]: # control-f amount = screen_y top, bottom, moving_down = advance(top, bottom, resizing, rows, amount) if keypress in [ord('\x02')]: # control-b amount = screen_y top, bottom, moving_down = retreat(top, bottom, resizing, rows, amount) if keypress in [ord('.')]: cum_widths = expand_cumsum(left, right, cum_widths, 1) if keypress in [ord(',')]: moving_right = False cum_widths = contract_cumsum(left, right, cum_widths, 1) if keypress in [ord('<')]: moving_right = False cum_widths = contract_cumsum(0, cols-1, cum_widths, 1) if keypress in [ord('>')]: cum_widths = expand_cumsum(0, cols-1, cum_widths, 1) if keypress in [ord('t')]: toggle = {0 : 1, 1 : 0} frozen_y = toggle[frozen_y] unfrozen_y = screen_y - frozen_y if keypress in [ord('y')]: toggle = {0 : 8, 8 : 0} frozen_x = toggle[frozen_x] unfrozen_x = screen_x - frozen_x if keypress in [ord('[')]: frozen_x -= 1 if frozen_x > 2 else 0 unfrozen_x = screen_x - frozen_x if keypress in [ord(']')]: frozen_x += 1 unfrozen_x = screen_x - frozen_x if keypress in [ord('/')]: search_string = show_prompt(stdscr, chr(keypress), screen_y, screen_x - 1, keystrokes=keystrokes) found_row, found_col = next_match(df, search_string, bottom, right) left, right, top, bottom, moving_right, moving_down = jump( left, right, top, bottom, rows, cols, found_row, found_col, resizing) if keypress in [ord('n')]: found_row, found_col = next_match(df, search_string, bottom, right) left, right, top, bottom, moving_right, moving_down = jump( left, right, top, bottom, rows, cols, found_row, found_col, resizing) if keypress in [ord('p')]: found_row, found_col = prev_match(df, search_string, bottom, right) left, right, top, bottom, moving_right, moving_down = jump( left, right, top, bottom, rows, cols, found_row, found_col, resizing) if keypress in [ord(':')]: command = show_prompt(stdscr, chr(keypress), screen_y, screen_x - 1, keystrokes=keystrokes) new_df = eval_command(stdscr, df, command, screen_y, left, right, top, bottom, keystrokes) if new_df is not None: df = new_df if keypress in [ord('g')]: if keystroke_history and keystroke_history[-1] == 'g': left, right, top, bottom, moving_right, moving_down = jump( left, right, top, bottom, rows, cols, 0, right, resizing) if keypress in [ord('G')]: if keystroke_history and keystroke_history[-1] == 'G': left, right, top, bottom, moving_right, moving_down = jump( left, right, top, bottom, rows, cols, rows - 1, right, resizing) if keypress in [ord('^')]: left, right, top, bottom, moving_right, moving_down = jump( left, right, top, bottom, rows, cols, bottom, 0, resizing) if keypress in [ord('$')]: left, right, top, bottom, moving_right, moving_down = jump( left, right, top, bottom, rows, cols, bottom, cols - 1, resizing) if keypress in [ord('s')]: df = df.sort_values(df.columns[right], ascending=True, kind='mergesort') if keypress in [ord('S')]: df = df.sort_values(df.columns[right], ascending=False, kind='mergesort') # Store keystroke in history try: keystroke_history.append(chr(keypress)) except ValueError: pass
[docs]def to_dataframe(filepath): """Infer file type and load as DataFrame. :param filepath: path to file containing data :type filepath: str :returns: loaded DataFrame :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ read = pd.read_excel if filepath.endswith(('xls', 'xlsx')) else pd.read_csv return read(filepath, index_col=None, encoding='utf-8')
if __name__ == '__main__': locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') curses.wrapper(run, to_dataframe(argv[1]))